No.1 IELTS Institute of the Region.

Welcome to your Listening Section 3 Q13

Questions 21-26

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

Reflective Journal Assignment

21. What should be firstly included in the reflective journal?

22. The woman has got

23. What was the man's biggest achievement in the past?

24. The man decides to

25. What is the man's attitude after the discussion?

26. What should be shown in the man's reflective journal?

Fill Ups

Questions 27-30

What is the woman's attitude towards the each of the following activities of study?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the letters A-next to questions 27-30.

define a problem

indepndent learning

develop study skills

gain confidence

find it difficult

27. Writing an essay


28. Taking exams


29. Making class notes


30. Taking presentation notes

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