No.1 IELTS Institute of the Region.

Welcome to your Listening Section 3 Q2

You will hear a university tutor talking to two students about problems they are having with a business studies project.


Questions 21 - 22

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

21 What is the problem that the students are having with the project?

22 When can extensions be granted?

Fill Ups

Questions 23-27

What main problem do the students suggest each company has. Match the company to the problem. The first has been done for you.

Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A–G next to questions 23–27.

A knowledge about their customers

B long-term gain

C competition

D customer satisfaction

E employees

F external factors



E. Stacks Stationary


23.  Princeton Windows

24.  MK Cars

25.  Lakeside Golf

26.  Bryson's Meats

27.  Mojo's Music Shop


Questions 28-30

Which opinion does each person express about Mojo's Music?

Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.

A It has good managers

B It has been operating for too long

C There aren't enough music shops

D It needs more innovative marketing

E It will close down in the end

F It has a good long-term future


28.  Sarah

29.  John

30.  Neil

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