No.1 IELTS Institute of the Region.

Welcome to your Listening Section 4 Q7

Fill Ups

Questions 31-33

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

31. Psychologist Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic says, “If narcissism is fire, then Facebook is ”.

32. People have a desire to broadcast their lives to reinforce their self-concept,  and self-centered needs.

33. According to the recent research, the more time you spend on the various social networks, the more  you become.

Questions 34-36

Choose the correct letter, AB, or C.

34. Social networks may cause depression because:

35. What is the biggest problem of children and teenagers who spend too much time online?

36. If children spend their time looking at screens instead of looking out, what consequences it may cause?

Questions 37-40

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

37. Psychotherapist Gillian Isaacs Russell discovered that there are some distinct differences between working on the screen and working  in the room.

38. Therapies like CBT are appropriate for online use because they are .

39. Psychotherapists have to pay attention to  , non-verbal part of relationship, as it makes 60% of our communication.

40. There are some risks related to treatment at distance, because therapists can’t see the whole body and a lot of  things that are going on.

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